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Traditional Monolithic WebSphere to MicroServices Leveraging Liberty, Where to Begin and How to Manage the Transition
Scott Bybee
The world of IT goes through evolutionary cycles where favored methodologies and approaches come and go, the days of large monolithic clustered middleware hosted applications are no longer in vogue and not compatible with today's focus on Agile Development methodologies. Everyone is investigating how they can move to a microservices approach going forward, in particular what to do with their current investments in monolithic multi-node middleware infrastructure. There are many approaches to making the transition from refactoring code to introducing new run-time architectures such as WebSphere Liberty in Docker containers or PaaS solutions (like Bluemix or Cloud Foundry). In this session we will explore the best approaches to starting down a microservices journey, from refactoring existing applications to automating the migration and configuration management (DevOps) of both monolithic and microservices environments throughout the transition. We will also explore the many run-time options available to host your new microservices such as Docker and the various PaaS options available in public clouds.
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