
User Group UK

Looking for up-to-date content? Check out IBM's WebSphere, Liberty, Java & DevOps Community, as well as @wasdevnet and @openlibertyio on Twitter!

External Events

Whilst this user group doesn't meet in its previous form any more, there are other communities looked after by IBM that have great content for WebSphere users!

For example, have a look at the IBM WebSphere, Liberty, Java & DevOps Community, which has regular roadshows, events and other events published to help like-minded individuals get together and discuss the tech.

You can also follow the folks behind this on Twitter at @wasdevnet and @openlibertyio. Thanks!

What Is The WebSphere User Group UK?

We are the premiere independent organisation representing interests of UK based WebSphere customers (large or small) and users (be they coders, technicians, architects, managers or execs, covering development, infrastructure & support).

We aim to help better understand, prepare and deliver solutions with WebSphere through sharing of information & experience, but also enabling questions to be posed to IBM and feedback given within a peer group forum.

Follow us on Social Media!

Upcoming Events

London - Monday 1st April 2019 at IBM Southbank London

Registration: Please register here

The IBM WebSphere UK User Group are pleased to invite you to our next meeting, which is taking place on Monday 1st April 2019 at IBM Southbank in London. This meeting is being held in conjunction with the IBM Automation, Cloud and Integration User Group. The meeting starting at 12:00 for 12:30 and ending at 17:20.

The IBM WebSphere User Group (UK) Meeting will cover a WAS Update and Roadmap, as well as capabilities of IBM Application Platform and Cloud. Additional streams will cover following topics: Integration, Messaging, APIs and Digital Business Automation.

For more details, agenda and registration:- http://ibm.biz/Bd29ps. A light sandwich lunch will be provided during registration.

Previous Meeting: Edinburgh: 25th October, 2017

We are pleased to confirm that the next meeting of the WebSphere User Group (UK) will take place on Wednesday 25th October 2017, to be held in the Royal Society in Edinburgh. There will be no charge for this meeting and as usual we aim to have an excellent agenda lined up, covering a range of current and emerging application, integration and cloud technologies.


Please register here

More ...

May 2018, Website Changes #2!

With the EU GDPR legislation round the corner, it was time to scrub the old membership database - all personalisation elements have been removed from the site. It still retains all the info about upcoming / previous meetings and the hard work that previous presenters have put in to make their content available to visitors.

It also seemed like a good opportunity for a spruce up - hope you enjoy the new look! For the more techie-inclined, it's now running in container on Kubernetes, for maximum platform awesomeness. I wonder whether in a few years we'll look back at this and think "oh yeah, I remember Docker ..." :)

July 2014, Website Changes

We've changed the website so that IBM's Events team will now handle registrations for events. All the meeting agendas and presentation downloads will remain open so you no longer need to register/login on this site to access them! Any questions, please let us know via the Contact Form. Thanks.

What do our members say about us?

  • "Many thanks for an educational, stimulating & rewarding event. You did a fantastic job!"
  • "I've attended similar events in the past including JavaOne and the Sun Tech Days but found the WUG to be much better value for money/time than the larger events."
  • "All round it was an excellent conference. I look forward to the next one."
  • "It is always good to be able to exchange experiences with real practitioners!"
  • "All in all a very useful event."

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