Bluemix:IBM Bluemix is an open-standards, cloud based platform for building, managing and running apps and services of all types (e.g. web, mobile, big data and IOT devices). Capabilities include various runtimes (e.g. Java, Node.js and PHP), mobile back end development, application monitoring, as well as capabilities from ecosystem partners and open source - all through an as-a-service model in the cloud.In this lab you will use Bluemix to deploy a web app which consumes a Cloudant database service, live on the internet in just a matter of minutes. Bluemix tools will be used to edit the code on a local workstation and update the running app. You'll also experience Bluemix DevOps Services, using it to host the code in a Git repository, make updates via a browser and trigger a build and deploy process which automatically publishes to IBM Bluemix.Please ensure you have a Bluemix account (with 30 day trial) by signing up here: https://ibm.biz/UKIBluemix, prior to the event.DevOps with WebSphere Liberty Profile, Maven, Jenkins and Chef: Organizations that deliver value quickly gain the competitive edge. Long release cycles with waterfall processes requiring long maintenance windows are yesterday's way. Today, development teams have adopted Agile processes to deliver valuable function in small, short increments. DevOps makes that real by enabling the automated testing and configuration management required to maintain an enterprise application in production. In this lab, you will learn how tools such as Apache Maven and Chef can be used with the Liberty Profile as part of a continuous delivery solution.