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Beyond the Portlet API: More Advanced Topics in WebSphere Portal Development
Graham Harper
Portal application development is just about creating portlets and themes, right? Some of you who attended the first "Beyond the Portlet API" session at the WUG in 2012 will hopefully have been persuaded that there is much more you can do than that. But whether you saw the previous talk or not, come along to this session as we explore yet more of the product's lesser-known features that may allow you to create a better solution for some business problem you have now or may encounter soon. For example, what if you need your personalization rules to depend on data not available out of the box? Or maybe you need to access portlets sitting on a different page (perhaps from within the theme)? Does the CSS you need to load depend on a user's attributes, yet you still want it be aggregated by the theme framework for performance? These may be some of the questions covered in this session!