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Value through BPM: an IT approach
Marcelo Fernandes
This sessions will show us what BPM is, how can it be a major block in every organization IT architecture and, most of all, how IT can leverage BPM to add real and perceived business value.The last decade shown us a great journey on organizing the IT landscape in the distributed systems era. What started as large portfolios of decoupled applications, turned into a nightmare of rigid and highly coupled systems. Thanks to SOA, they are now becoming decoupled, presented as core and isolated services, flexible and manageable. Organizing the landscape was one of the major IT challenges we recently faced and SOA gave us the map and guidance on managing that integration complexity.But that’s only part of the challenge. We addressed the IT pain and that added value. But your end users were not fully onboard yet, we are still talking a different language and IT is still struggling to deliver as quickly as needed.Learn what BPM is and how it fits in your IT landscaping, while leveraging any SOA initiative you may have in place and orchestrating how things happens across your core systems and your human workers. Even if you don’t have an explicit SOA programme in place, BPM can fill a huge gap orchestrating a lot of system interactions, eventually becoming the ultimate driver for a more manageable IT architecture.
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