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Got Cache? Discover how IBM elastic caching for your mobile apps help deliver responsive integration with services and API’s: Demo included!
Kevin Postreich
How might I ensure my mobile solution is responsive regardless of load?Mobile technology offers a unique opportunity for organizations today. Mobile capabilities are disrupting traditional business models, providing businesses with new sources of data and insight, and driving top and bottom-line results. One of the key benefits of mobile includes enhanced user experiences which lets you respond faster and better to customers, thus improving customer service. Mobile strategy leaders must put into place the needed building blocks to take full advantage of new mobile opportunities. One of the important building blocks is Elastic caching to deliver responsive integration of mobile with existing services and reusing API’s.In this session, attendees will learn about practical caching concerns and patterns through presentation and demonstration. The demonstration offers a scenario where customers interact with their bank through a mobile device, which interacts directly with an Extreme Scale Cache, via REST Services or API’s. The Bank administrators load the cache and update the cache content via a separate administrative web application, while maintaining data consistency and application responsiveness.