<FOR SLIDES, SEE LINK BELOW>Over the past year we have been working with a client to put a Worklight App into the Android & Apple App Stores. Using innovative strategies such as Continuous Integration and Automated Testing we were able to rapidly build out an App, the Adapters & the Security Model while regression testing as we built. Moving the App away from the developers' laptops and into production comes with more things to consider but powerful tools enabled us to circumvent large volumes of bugs and issues. This talk aims to illustrate the lessons learned, the good practices & gotchas for speedy delivery of Worklight applications to the App StoresSlides from WUG are available here ::http://slides.com/donalspring/worklight-lessons-learned#/FYI - some more useful CI information is here if you ever need it ::http://slides.com/donalspring/ci-wl-best-practice#/And some moving to production material here ::http://slides.com/donalspring/productionising-worklight#/