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Real-World Large Scale Mobile Apps for the Enterprise with IBM Worklight
Andrew Ferrier, Donal Spring
In this talk, we'll discuss some of the real-world lessons we've learnt about how to build IBM Worklight apps that are ready for the enterprise, based on experience from real IBM customer projects. We'll start out with a review of the IBM Worklight product and its key components. We'll then focus on a few key aspects of how to drive out a quality application: building a Continuous Integration-based end-to-end environment, and the power of combining that with automated testing for mobile applications and server-side service components, using both IBM Worklight technology and open-source toolkits. We'll also talk about how to decouple client-side and server-side concerns, and some of the ways to make an app that's both secure and future-proofed. We'll conclude with a review of how this allows us to drive app change through in days, not months.