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IBM BlueMix PaaS: Building & Running cloud computing applications
Mike Edwards
Building and running cloud computing applications can be a challenge - the elasticity and scalabilityof the cloud computing environment is attractive and increasingly important when dealing with the highlyvariable workloads involved with mobile, social and analytics. Enter IBM's BlueMix platform-as-a-serviceoffering - simplifying the process of building and running applications by providing a framework for applications that is simple and elegant while providing all the necessary power and capabilities.The flexibility of BlueMix is discussed, with its support for a wide range of programming environments, whichincludes WebSphere Liberty, but also extends to Node.js, Ruby, PHP and more. Services are at the coreof BlueMix, making it easier to build applications without having to worry about scalability, redundancy,availability. Many of the wide variety of services included with BlueMix are discussed including SQL and non-SQL databases, messaging, object stores and security capabilities. The special support that BlueMixprovides for Mobile apps is discussed, including features such as Push Notifications.