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Shifting Sands? Delivering WebSphere over multiple Java releases - the java perspective
Java (1)
Stephen Hellberg
The WebSphere product stack has long employed the Java runtime as the basis of its execution environment. WebSphere, as a standards-based product, principally delivers J2EE compliance that builds-on and -out from the J2SE standard defining JDKs everywhere. Over many years, the J2SE standard has been strongly impacted by EE content moving to a more foundational level within the java ecosystem. Whilst J2SE APIs have demonstrated significant stability over time, major revisions of J2SE/java are the opportunities to revise standard APIs; and with changes in java at the foundational level, inevitably the whole WebSphere stack has the potential to be impacted. Whilst great efforts are employed by IBM in developing WebSphere and testing it for new java releases, the exposure to changes for applications (or third-party frameworks) remains and should be considered in WebSphere migration tasks. This session will review the areas of change in IBM java since 5.0 (WebSphere 6.1) and discuss our interaction with the team responsible for the WebSphere Migration Toolkit - one means we have of trying to bring awareness of core java changes to an IDE near you! With the latest WebSphere (v8.5) shipping both Java 6.0 or 7.0, your options for when to adopt the latest java release are wide-open enabling a future application migration strategy to suit your timing.

Stephen Hellberg:

Dr Stephen Hellberg started conducting software engineering research within computational science - developing scientific 'supercomputing' software with distributed and parallel computers. The maturing of these systems facilitated economic development of and building significant enterprise business systems based on huge databases on ever larger server hardware, such as corporate data warehousing, enterprise application integration (EAI) and data mining - earlier generations of Big Data and Analytics! After assisting enterprises construct, use and integrate such systems as a technical infrastructure consultant and solutions architect, he has spent the past 10 years supporting IBM customers on IBM SWG Products with Java, specifically those employing the Hotspot JDKs when leading a L3 support team, on various UNIX enterprise platforms (Solaris, HP-UX, etc.) and with a variety of software stacks (mostly Websphere-based). Presently, my responsibilities concern issues associated with assisting customers and products transitioning within the IBM java ecoysysem, whether thats helping acquisition teams onto IBM java, or across our server platforms, adopt upcoming releases like Java 7, or departing from the end-of-supported lines such as 5.0 (similar support to that provided towards the end of IBM's 1.4.2 java); I participate with our developments leveraging OpenJDK, and I am frequently engaged to assist with performance matters with IBM products when employing the non-IBM HotSpot JVM.

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