Changing ways that IBM provides product information: IBM Knowledge Center, scenarios, and information for mobile use
IBM is preparing to publish "IBM Knowledge Center" online as the "one stop shop" for IBM technical content about WebSphere and other IBM products, providing new and interactive ways to use information about all of IBM's products. At first, IBM Knowledge Center will replace all the separate information centers on ibm.com; longer term, IBM Knowledge Center is also to include other online technical content like developerWorks and IBM redbooks. IBM Knowledge Center is also to be the place for more scenarios and solutions about using IBM software. This is a response to feedback from WebSphere users, and builds on work that we (at IBM Hursley) have been doing for the Connectivity Scenarios and Patterns information center. Mobile use of technical information is a growing requirement. We have published ebooks for IBM product information and scenarios, and are working on mobile apps for IBM Knowledge Center. We want to provide you with the best information experience possible! In this session, hear about the changing ways that IBM provides product information, discuss your opinions and needs for using information about IBM products.