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WMQ & JavaEE: Living & Working with WAS and other AppServers
WAS 2 (1)
Graham Hopkins; Matthew White
How does WebSphere MQ really work when used as the messaging backbone in an Application Server environment?

In this presentation we'll talk about how the WebSphere MQ Resource Adapter works within WebSphere Application Server but also on other application servers.

Covering both the direct and indirect ways in which IBM WebSphere MQ can be accessed by Java Enterprise Edition applications running in an IBM WebSphere Application Server.

The WebSphere MQ Resource Adapter can also be used within other application servers; what considerations are there with deploying within these other environments? We'll also cover the important question of the formal support position with these options.

One important question is how to migrate to a new version of WAS and or WMQ? There are several routes that can be taken so we'll cover some of the key questions to ask and highlight important waypoints on the migration journey.

The last section of this session will cover the important issues surrounding integration of the new WebSphere MQ 7.0.1 multi-instance queue managers with the JavaEE world.

Graham Hopkins:

Graham Hopkins joined IBM in 2000. He has worked with WebSphere MQ and the default messaging provider within WebSphere application Server and is currently the test lead for interaction between WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere MQ.

Graham Hopkins

Matthew White:

Currently Matthew works within the WebSphere MQ Platform Integration Team. Their role is to ensure that WebSphere MQ integrates well within the WebSphere Platform and other products.

Matthew has responsibility for the architecture of the Java language clients of WebSphere MQ and have been working within this area for the last 6 years. Previously he has worked on embedded messaging products, starting his career working within the service teams for the IBM JVM.

Matthew White

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