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Architecture of Multichannel (Mobile) Applications using IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory
Portal 1 (2)
Alfredo Roche; Ben Hardill
IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory (WPF) offers rapid development of web/portal multichannel applications. This presentation provides architecture and design best practices that will help architects, developers and consultants during the development of real customer solutions, customer PoC and prototypes for multiple devices. It will specifically focus on design patterns, providing a high quality end-solution that increases customer’s satisfaction.
It will cover different aspects from the back-end data access to the user interface (browser and mobile) by applying techniques and patterns that will provide a modular and extensible end-to-end solution. The development of common frameworks by applying well known design patterns (e.g. MVC), will demonstrate that WPF simplifies and speeds up the development of multichannel applications while keeping a clear architecture.

This session provides good design and architecture practices that can be effectively utilized by architects, designers and developers when working with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory. The tool provides a rapid development which sometimes hides the fact of providing a clear design and architecture. Based on the experience while working on customer’s projects across EMEA and US, this session is intended to provide real life guidance for how to properly develop a portal multichannel application using IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory. A good design and architecture are key factors even for small projects, prototypes and PoC that eventually may turn into final solutions.

During this presentation, a real customer’s project will be used to show how all these patterns, practices and ideas have been successfully applied to a real use case scenario. The session is oriented to existing IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory architects and developers; however, new users of the tool are also welcomed to discover the capabilities of WPF and the real benefits of following good architectural practices while using IBM Webphere Portlet Factory.

Alfredo Roche:

I am currently working in IBM Ireland as Application Architect in ISSL, mainly involved in IBM WebSphere Portal projects across customers in EMEA and US. Previously I was Senior Software Engineer in the Dublin Software Lab as part of the Portal Accelerators team. I have 10 years of professional experience, working with Java, J2EE, SOA and EAI, applying software design and architecture patterns. Before IBM, I was working as Software Architect and Team Leader in a large automotive company in Germany, developing skills in integration technologies, workflow engines and back-end connectors. I hold a Masters Degree in Computer Science from the University of Zaragoza (Spain) with a final project based on EAI while working in Germany.

I was speaker in three sessions (two about IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory and one about IBM Lotus Workforce Management) during the 2007 ISSL 2.0 Symposium in Porto (Portugal); the feedback was very positive from the audience. I have also supported and mentored development teams in US, India and Europe through all aspects related with architecture, design best practices and development of Portal Applications, specifically using IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory. I am working with the product for more than 4 years from an architect to a developer role, and I am author of the only RedBook about this product: "Portal Application Development Using WebSphere Portlet Factory".

Alfredo Roche

Ben Hardill:

I have worked for IBM since 2001, starting out as a level 3 service engineer for the IBM Java Virtual Machine until recently. This role was a great way to get to interact with the large range of software products produced by IBM and their customers. As well as traditional support work I also ran education sessions for customers explaining how to the get the best performance out of the IBM Java Virtual Machine and how to use the extensive RAS features to solve their own problems quickly.

Recently I have joined the Emerging Technology and Services team where we take the latest technology from research and find customers who want to experiment on edge before feeding back the experience gained in these engagements to the development teams that will be bringing these technologies to market.

Ben Hardill

SOA Software
Icon Solutions
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