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Patterns using WebSphere Integration Developer WID
SOA in Focus: Web Services (1)
Paul Verschueren
"The set of techniques and tools that we are referring to as Patterns Based Engineering are of enormous potential benefit and show a compelling business case ..." - IBM Software Group Architecture Board <br>\n<br>\n"Routinely delivering 10x productivity based on 40+ projects" - IBM ISSW Services Practice\n<br><br>\nPatterns Based Engineering is an emerging discipline which brings together best practices of the Model Driven Development, Design Patterns, and Agile communities. It also stresses the exploitation of new generative tooling technologies ("MetaTools") to allow for rapid automation and prototyping. \n<br><br>\nIt focuses on:<br>\n1) Identifying key patterns in the way that software is being used in a particular problem domain<br>\n2) Using abstraction techniques to allow the specification of requirements in terms of higher level, problem oriented models<br>\n3) Building specialised domain tools ("Pattern Implementations") to introduce intensive automation<br>\n<br>\nThe approach has been developed pragmatically via a number of IBM projects and has demonstrated radical improvements in consumer experience coupled with breakthroughs in productivity and quality.<br>

Paul Verschueren:

Paul Verschueren is Chair of IBM's Patterns Governance Board which is responsible for developing the discipline of "Patterns Based Engineering" (PBE) within IBM. PBE combines Patterns techniques and Generative Programming with the objective of achieving breakthrough in development productivity and quality. <br>\n<br>\nHe is currently focused on establishing the Business Case for IBM's own Development organisations to invest in this area, and on the Methodology and Tooling required to enable its successful exploitation. \n<br><br>\nPreviously Paul was responsible for the area of Patterns for Business Integration (including EAI and SOA) within IBM's "Patterns for e-business" Programme, where he developed the concept of "Fractal Patterns". He holds an MA in Mathematics from Cambridge University.\n<br><br>\nPaul is a senior member of IBM's SWG Strategy Organisation, and works out of IBM's Hursley Laboratories in the UK. He is a frequent speaker at Industry Conferences, and consults on leading edge intiatives in the areas of Pattern Based Engineeering.\n<br><br>\nPaul can be reached at paulv@uk.ibm.com

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