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Connections 2.0: Social Networking today with IBM
Brendan Tutt
"Social Networking equals Facebook, Facebook is banned in our company so........" IBM Lotus Connections IS a Social Networking solution but is NOT Facebook. \\n<br><br>\\nDo you struggle to find experts (or at least people with the knowledge you are currently looking for) ? <br>\\nDo your people have great ideas but no forum in which to share and develop them? <br>\\nHave you individuals who do the same job bit are not in the same building and don`t know each other.....but would benefit from sharing knowledge with each other?<br> \\nDo you use del-ico-ous on the web and wish you had a similar tool for work related links? <br>\\nDo you need to get more organised in the way you execute tasks?<br>