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SOMA, RUP and RMC: the right combination for SOA
Keith Mantell
Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) provides a key architectural style which needs little introduction to a WebSphere audience. This talk looks at the development process implications of SOA. <br><br>\\n\\nRUP is a well-established development process framework, based on a number of business principles. It can be tailored via tools such as Rational Method Composer and the Eclipse Process Framework, and delivered in various forms. RUP is very flexible, and one form to which it has been tailored is SOA.\\n<br><br>\\nThis talk outlines SOA and its implications for development processes, gives an overview of RUP and its toolset, and discusses RUP Service Oriented Modeling and Architecture(SOMA) in its various forms. Practical examples of tailoring RUP SOMA are given.