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IBM`s Global Technology Outlook: 2008 Edition
WebSphere Update, Innovation & Trends (2)
Mark Tomlinson
Every year, IBM`s 3,000-strong global Research Division publishes its vision of the future for information technology over the next 2 to 10 years - known as the Global Technology Outlook (GTO). This includes forecasts of base technology trends, and how these trends will come together in the future to enable new uses and capabilities of information technology. The GTO complements IBM`s Global Innovation Outlook, which identifies the business transformation and societal issues which will drive demand. \n<br><br>\nThe 2008 IBM GTO focusses on 5 key themes which span from the enabling technologies for the next generation of cost-optimised and high-end servers to the emergence of community-centric Web platforms and real-world aware systems. In 2007, and for the 15th consecutive year in a row, IBM issued more US patents than any other organisation - come and hear how these ideas and other technology innovations will enable the next generation of IT.

Mark Tomlinson:

<br>Mark Tomlinson, Innovation and Emerging Technologies Leader for Financial Services, Technical Staff Member, IBM Software Group<br><br>\nMark is responsible for introducing IBM`s innovation-enabling and emerging software technologies into customers in the UK financial services sector, establishing opportunities for greater customer collaboration with IBM`s Research and Software development organisations and the identification of potential first-of-a-kind joint projects. Mark joined IBM in 1995, and is an elected member of the IBM UK, Ireland and South Africa Technical Consultancy Group - the corporation's top cross-divisional technical team in the region and affiliate to the IBM Academy of Technology. Mark`s previous roles include leading an IBM Software Group team driving the adoption of SOA in the UK financial services sector and 9 years of WebSphere technical sales. His book Perspectives on Web Services, which documents best practices in J2EE-based SOA design and development, was published by Springer in 2003 and has sold 3,000 copies worldwide. Mark is a Chartered Engineer (IET), Chartered IT Professional (BCS), IBM Certified Consulting IT Specialist and holds a degree in Physics from Warwick University.

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