Social and technological changes have created the phenomena we try to summarize and name in the term Web 2.0. The most significant technical advances have been driven by the desire to post personal information in various forms like photos, diaries and podcasts about all sorts of non-business related topics.\\n<br><br>\\nThis sharing of information and opinion has led to the obvious fact of grouping: we prefer to exchange with people who understand and appreciate a specific topic of interest and this has spurned a lot of informal or managed communities on the Internet\\n<br><br>\\nThe influence and power of such communities has not gone undetected by marketing organizations and businesses, who are now trying to understand this phenomenon and even take advantage of it. Turning customers into digital communities is however not a straightforward task. While this requires enablement and support by IT, much of the understanding of customer needs and behavior is actually captured by the marketing departments.\\n<br><br>\\nThis talk will discuss aspects of successful digital communities, the key success factors for creating such a community and what it actually means to run a community, be it for a business or just a football fan club.