
User Group UK

Looking for up-to-date content? Check out IBM's WebSphere, Liberty, Java & DevOps Community, as well as @wasdevnet and @openlibertyio on Twitter!

We are pleased to confirm that the next meeting of the WebSphere User Group (UK) will take place on Thursday 30th March 2017, to be held in the IBM Client Centre at IBM South Bank, London. There will be no charge for this meeting and as usual we aim to have an excellent agenda lined up, covering a range of current and emerging application, integration and cloud technologies.


Please register here

Provisional Agenda

Registration and Coffee begins from 8:30am, with the Chairman's Intro at 9:00am. The first session begins at 9:30am.

A buffet Lunch is served at 12:30pm, with coffee breaks included in the morning and afternoon.

Application Server

09:30 - 10:15

WebSphere Technical Update
Over the last year IBM delivered WebSphere V9 - a major version update - on-premises and in the cloud, optionally running in lightweight Docker containers.We recently added simplified end-to-end DevOps for cloud-native applications to help take advantage of the latest industry developments around microservices technologies when using WebSphere, whatever your choice of cloud environment, complementing traditional support for management of large-scale and highly-available enterprise applications. Come to this session to learn about the latest updates and direction for WebSphere

Ian Robinson

Dr Ian Robinson is an IBM Distinguished Engineer and the Chief Architect
of the WebSphere Application Server. Ian has over 25 years' experience working in distributed
enterprise computing across product development, open standards and open
source. He is responsible for the strategy and development of IBM's
WebSphere Application Server, including the lightweight WAS Liberty Profile, on premise and
in the cloud.

10:45 - 11:30

How to quick start your cloud development with Bluemix patterns and the Liberty App Accelerator
Getting started with a normal project can be a bit daunting but add in some of the latest things that developers want, such as microservices and cloud native, and the time to actually having something up-and-running has just gone up drastically! Enter the new IBM Bluemix Web and Mobile starters which allow you to quickly scaffold out a cloud native applications. There are a number of languages to choose from: Java, Swift, and JavaScript/Node.js; a selection of patterns, such as microservice, Backend For Frontend; and the opportunity to add in back-end services like Cloudant and Object-Storage. If you're looking for an on-ramp to Bluemix and cloud applications, there will also be a tour of the latest features in the Liberty App Accelerator.

Adam Pilkington

Adam is WebSphere Liberty developer based in the UK Hursley Lab working in the Microservices team. His current focus is on developing best practices and patterns for WebSphere Liberty in microservice architectures. He is also an IBM Master Inventor. Prior to joining IBM he worked in the UK financial services sector.

11:40 - 12:25

(empty slot)

13:30 - 14:15

How to use WebSphere as a Service in Bluemix
Are you interested in running traditional enterprise web applications in the cloud? In this session, we will show you how to make that real! We will demonstrate how to successfully deploy Java Enterprise applications that need to use on-premise Systems of Records, as well as leveraging services in Bluemix.

If you are thinking about moving to "The Cloud" but are hesitating because your IT environment is firmly anchored to the ground. Come and find out how to leverage your current WebSphere applications in IBM Bluemix to leverage your and data, existing WebSphere automation and skills to make the cloud work for you.

We will discuss concerns such as secure access to the cloud and your on-premise data, network latency, and public & dedicated environments in IBM Bluemix to suite your needs and budgets for test environments, migration, and production workloads.

Anita Rass Wan

Anita Rass Wan is a Senior Worldwide Product Manager on the WebSphere Application Server Platform team. She is responsible for helping improve the developer experience building and managing applications for the WebSphere Application platform family. Anita has held various senior positions in development, release management and product management. She has published various papers, and has disclosures and a patent in application development and performance tools.

Kevin Postreich

Kevin is the IBM World Wide technical sales lead for WebSphere Application Server, supporting customer deployments of WebSphere Application Server and Liberty, WebSphere eXtreme Scale and WAS on Cloud solutions. His role and responsibility also includes development and delivery of technical accelerators for IBM technical sales organizations, customers, and business partners around the world. He routinely leads customer workshops and delivers technical enablement designed to accelerate the experience, knowledge, and adoption of IBM Hybrid Cloud and Systems Middleware solutions. Kevin is a regular speaker at IBM events such as WebSphere User Groups, Software Technical Academies, and InterConnect. He has experience with WebSphere in context of IBM Bluemix, DevOps, UrbanCode Deploy, Docker, micro services, APIs, WebSphere Connect, IBM PureApplication System, eXtreme Scale and more.

14:25 - 15:10

WebSphere Application Server Migration (from Planning to Completion), with demonstrations
Planning a WebSphere Application Server migration? Come learn aspects of migration planning, best practices and new clone techniques, and review source and binary application migration tools from the IBM WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit. Both configuration and application migration will be covered. This session will pertain to WebSphere Application Server versions 7.0 through 8.5.5 and cover Java migrations as well.

Anita Rass Wan

Anita Rass Wan is a Senior Worldwide Product Manager on the WebSphere Application Server Platform team. She is responsible for helping improve the developer experience building and managing applications for the WebSphere Application platform family. Anita has held various senior positions in development, release management and product management. She has published various papers, and has disclosures and a patent in application development and performance tools.

Kevin Postreich

Kevin is the IBM World Wide technical sales lead for WebSphere Application Server, supporting customer deployments of WebSphere Application Server and Liberty, WebSphere eXtreme Scale and WAS on Cloud solutions. His role and responsibility also includes development and delivery of technical accelerators for IBM technical sales organizations, customers, and business partners around the world. He routinely leads customer workshops and delivers technical enablement designed to accelerate the experience, knowledge, and adoption of IBM Hybrid Cloud and Systems Middleware solutions. Kevin is a regular speaker at IBM events such as WebSphere User Groups, Software Technical Academies, and InterConnect. He has experience with WebSphere in context of IBM Bluemix, DevOps, UrbanCode Deploy, Docker, micro services, APIs, WebSphere Connect, IBM PureApplication System, eXtreme Scale and more.

15:30 - 16:15

Demonstration: UrbanCode Deploy speeds up migration and deployment of On-Premise WebSphere applications to WebSphere on IBM Bluemix
Join this session, and see for yourself, how to use IBM UrbanCode Deploy to migrate an existing traditional WebSphere (version 7) configuration to traditional WebSphere (version 9) on IBM Bluemix cloud.

Come learn how to leverage IBM UrbanCode Deploy can make it insanely fast and simple to provision fully configured WebSphere Application Server Cloud environments and applications in just minutes.

You will see how IBM UrbanCode Deploy is used to automate the WebSphere configuration migration and deliver an optimized DevOps deployment processes. You will also see how IBM UrbanCode Deploy can automate the provisioning of WebSphere environments and Secure Gateway service in Bluemix, configuration of VPN Client, Secure gateway Client, OS configurations, and more, illustrating how the IBM Bluemix solution can be configured to work in a hybrid cloud environment, securely connecting from the IBM cloud environment back to on-premise resources.

Anita Rass Wan

Anita Rass Wan is a Senior Worldwide Product Manager on the WebSphere Application Server Platform team. She is responsible for helping improve the developer experience building and managing applications for the WebSphere Application platform family. Anita has held various senior positions in development, release management and product management. She has published various papers, and has disclosures and a patent in application development and performance tools.

Kevin Postreich

Kevin is the IBM World Wide technical sales lead for WebSphere Application Server, supporting customer deployments of WebSphere Application Server and Liberty, WebSphere eXtreme Scale and WAS on Cloud solutions. His role and responsibility also includes development and delivery of technical accelerators for IBM technical sales organizations, customers, and business partners around the world. He routinely leads customer workshops and delivers technical enablement designed to accelerate the experience, knowledge, and adoption of IBM Hybrid Cloud and Systems Middleware solutions. Kevin is a regular speaker at IBM events such as WebSphere User Groups, Software Technical Academies, and InterConnect. He has experience with WebSphere in context of IBM Bluemix, DevOps, UrbanCode Deploy, Docker, micro services, APIs, WebSphere Connect, IBM PureApplication System, eXtreme Scale and more.

16:25 - 17:10

(empty slot)


09:30 - 10:15

Microservices, Websphere Liberty and Kubernetes - a fully buzzword-compliant devOps pipeline
The traditional lines between 'development' and 'operations' teams have been blurring for some time now. The progress of code from development to production is increasingly automated. The microservices design pattern breaks traditionally large, monolithic applications into a set of smaller pieces. Technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes help us package, test and deploy these pieces separately, reducing the time required to build, test and deploy any given change.

In this talk I'll demonstrate IBM's Microservice Builder project, announced as a beta at the recent Interconnect conference. It provides an integrated devOps pipeline for deploying microsevices, running on WebSphere Liberty in Docker containers onto a supported Kubernetes runtime. I'll be showing how quick and easy it is to create new microservices, and to deploy them via our pipeline. Please do go to the previous session if you want in introduction to Docker and Kubernetes.

Mark Nuttall

Dr Mark Nuttall is a Senior Software Engineer in IBM's Hybrid Cloud organisation. Mark is currently trying to assemble devOps pipelines, Websphere Liberty, Docker, Kubernetes, public and private cloud platforms, microservices, proper integration tests and decent documentation into something cohesive. It's not as easy as it sounds.

10:45 - 11:30

'no charts, all demo' introduction to Docker, Swarm and Kubernetes with WAS (Liberty and traditional)
This session will start with the basics of running a Docker container and what is happening under the covers. We'll then move rapidly through the basics of Docker Swarm and Kubernetes, comparing and contrasting the two as we go. We'll use WebSphere Application Server (Liberty and traditional) as the basis for our examples but the focus will be on the container technologies themselves. As the title says, don't expect any charts - this will all be live demo.

David Currie

David is the container architect for WebSphere Application Server, covering both the traditional and Liberty offerings. He also has more than a passing interest in the subject of microservices.


11:40 - 12:25

(empty slot)

13:30 - 14:15

Microservices Architecture: Where Do ESBs, Messaging and APIs Fit?
This session explores the myths and realities of microservices in relation to integration architecture. Microservices are as much a new approach to application architecture as they are a return to well-known good practices of isolation and decoupling. The complexities are all the more apparent when comparisons are drawn with evolved integration architecture concepts. The "ESB" concept is often derided in microservices architecture. Is the pattern completely invalid or does it still have its place? Messaging is the silent but essential partner that is key to decoupling among microservice components. But what type of messaging should you use where? Where do APIs fit into the picture? What different categories of API are present?

Kim Clark

Kim has spent the last couple of decades working in the field helping customers implement the integration aspects of solutions tackling concepts such as SOA, BPM and APIs and microservices. He has a broad and deep knowledge of the architecture and design issues involved and of the related IBM products. As a result, he writes and presents regularly on design and architecture best practices in this space. In his current role he works as a strategist on IBM's integration portfolio shaping the future direction of the products, but he still spends much of his time assisting customers maturing their integration architecture. Recent articles include "The evolving hybrid integration reference architecture" https://ibm.biz/HybridIntRefArch and "Microservices, SOA, and APIs: Friends or enemies?" https://ibm.biz/MicroservicesVsSoa.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimjulianclark

14:25 - 15:10

Building Cloud Native Microservices with Liberty and Node.js: A Product Development Journey
A year ago, our team started on a journey to build a new voice gateway product for Watson. This was a greenfield project built as a cloud native application. We managed the project out of a set of enterprise GitHub repositories using ZenHub, and built the project on WebSphere Liberty and Node.js as Docker containers. This session provides a first-hand developer perspective on creating a production-ready, cloud native application. In this session, we will cover things such as how we improved our development processes, our use of Docker, our DevOps pipeline, container orchestration, and decisions that were made along the path to delivering a cloud native product built on microservices.

Thomas Banks

15:30 - 16:15

Traditional Monolithic WebSphere to MicroServices Leveraging Liberty, Where to Begin and How to Manage the Transition
The world of IT goes through evolutionary cycles where favored methodologies and approaches come and go, the days of large monolithic clustered middleware hosted applications are no longer in vogue and not compatible with today's focus on Agile Development methodologies. Everyone is investigating how they can move to a microservices approach going forward, in particular what to do with their current investments in monolithic multi-node middleware infrastructure.

There are many approaches to making the transition from refactoring code to introducing new run-time architectures such as WebSphere Liberty in Docker containers or PaaS solutions (like Bluemix or Cloud Foundry). In this session we will explore the best approaches to starting down a microservices journey, from refactoring existing applications to automating the migration and configuration management (DevOps) of both monolithic and microservices environments throughout the transition. We will also explore the many run-time options available to host your new microservices such as Docker and the various PaaS options available in public clouds.

Scott Bybee

Scott is the original creator of the IBM Rational Automation Framework and has spent the last 17 years consulting helping organizations optimize their build and release strategies around IBM middleware software. Scott is the Avnet Services Cloud Architect and helps drive the technical direction of the Talos Product and is engaged with a variety of large enterprise customers across Europe.


16:25 - 17:10

Eclipse MicroProfile: Optimising Enterprise Java for a microservices architecture
Enterprise Java technologies like Java EE have evolved with the industry for nearly two decades to support distributed application architectures based on RMI/IIOP, Web Services, and REST. The MicroProfile is the next step in that evolution.
In June 2016, IBM joined RedHat, Payara, Tomitribe and LJC, and launched a new community called MicroProfile, which is to offer a platform for developers, the communities and vendors to collaborate how to best build on JavaEE to make it ideal for microservices.
Come to this session to know more about MicroProfile; how WebSphere Application Server Liberty supporting MicroProfile; how IBM leading in this space by defining the new Java programming models for microservices such as Config; a live demo on show casing MicroProfile conference application (consisting of 5 microservices running on multiple JavaEE servers including WebSphere Liberty).

Emily Jiang

Emily Jiang is MicroProfile Development Lead and CDI Architect for WebSphere Application Server and works for IBM. Based at IBM's Hursley laboratory in the UK, she has worked on WebSphere Application Server since 2006 and contributed significantly towards JavaEE 7 support in WebSphere Application Server releases. She is an influential member of MicroProfile (defining microservice programming models), OSGi Enterprise Expert Group (CDI and EJB integration in OSGi) and CDI Expert Group (contributing CDI 2.0 specification). Emily is currently leading the effort to define Config and Fault Tolerance programming models to be used by microservices in MicroProfile.io.



09:30 - 10:15

Implementation of a Patterned Approach to Integration – using IIB & MQ
A series of integration patterns of behaviour are defined architecturally; each of these patterns is then built as an individual message flow, making repeated use of a catalogue of Technical Services. Business services are then instantiated against one of the patterns quickly & efficiently by the addition of configuration properties and validation & transformation artifacts. By using this approach, the Integration platform enables customers to quickly and efficiently instantiate new services without the requirement for deep IIB & MQ skills

Graham Woods

Stephen Gordon

Steve is experienced Sales Director with an extensive sales background in IT services across UK, EMEA and Eastern Europe, over the last 15 years. Steve’s focus and experience has allowed him to deliver outstanding results in sales performance, account management and business development. Steve has worked for large global IT organisations for the last 20 years including Oracle Europe, Microsoft Europe and Compaq, at all levels including being a key member of leadership teams helping shape organisation change and sales strategies

10:45 - 11:30

IIB/AIS Update
Application Integration Suite provides the tools enterprises need for connecting cloud and on-premise applications, building microservices, and exposing and managing APIs. It enables you to reach new markets, rapidly take advantage of new business opportunities, and improve communications within your partner ecosystem.

A key component of IBM Application Integration Suite and IBM's strategic integration technology for enterprise integration use cases, IBM Integration Bus (IIB) continues to deliver new capabilities that address diverse integration needs.

Join us to find out more about Application Integration Suite and what's new in IBM Integration Bus.

Amy McCormick

Amy McCormick is Offering Manager for IBM Integration Bus. She has many years experience in the Integration space having previously focused on healthcare integration as well as IBM Integration Bus on Cloud. She is responsible for identifying needs in the market, presenting innovative and creative product solutions, managing new product development and launches, monitoring the performance of existing products and services, and raising the awareness of the value of IBM offerings to customers.


11:40 - 12:25

App Connect Professional

Shreyas Shah


13:30 - 14:15

Update on DataPower
This session is aimed at existing users of DataPower, and will cover the updates and enhancements since V7.5 inclusive. It will also give you the chance to ask questions and discuss all matters DataPower. If you don't know anything about DataPower, however, feel free to come along anyway and hear what it's all about.

Hugh Everett

Hugh has worked for IBM for as long as he can remember; mainly in the area of connectivity and application integration. Based in Manchester, he is now in IBM Technical Sales, concentrating on IBM's Hybrid Cloud products such as MQ, IIB, API Connect, App Connect and DataPower.


14:25 - 15:10

What's new in IBM MQ
Messaging is the secret ingredient for linking your applications together, whether they're in the cloud, your datacenters, or across all these environments. IBM MQ is ideally placed to perform that task. This session will take you through all the updates to the IBM MQ portfolio over recent months, from the most recent continuous delivery releases to the new cloud environments where IBM MQ runs.

David Ware

David is a Senior Technical Staff Member and chief architect for IBM MQ on the distributed and cloud platforms. He has responsibility for strategy, architecture and development of current and future IBM MQ products. He has many years experience in messaging, particularly IBM MQ.

15:30 - 16:15

Designing MQ Deployments for the Cloud Generation
Businesses are transforming their enterprise IT infrastructure so that application teams can efficiently provision resources in an automated, self-service fashion, to be deployed as a service. In this session, we look at what that means with IBM MQ, and where previous design and deployment practices may not suit a more agile approach. We'll share what's possible with IBM MQ today, including the current best practices to achieve a low-touch, scalable solution whether deploying to the cloud or to on-premise systems.

Arthur Barr

Arthur is a Senior Software Engineer in IBM Hursley, and works on all things related to IBM MQ and the cloud.

16:25 - 17:10

101 Tips and Extensions for API Connect
IBM API Connect is still a new product to most customers, and there are a number of useful functions and tricks that make its implementation and adoption easier. This session will go through extensions and tips that we have developed through our experiences in the field. These tips and tricks will help you get the most value from your API Connect deployment.

Charlotte Hutchinson

Charlotte is a Technical Consultant working in the IBM professional services team specialising in API Connect. She is currently working with clients assisting them in their journey of embracing the API economy and their shift towards a microservices based architecture. Charlotte has assisted many teams worldwide through running workshops and events in these areas, offering valuable expertise and experience.

Charlotte has recently been awarded the UKI Outthink Foundation award and been shortlisted for Future CIO of the year 2017 at the Woman in IT industry awards and Rising Star of the year 2017 at the Everywoman in technology awards.

Chris Phillips

One of the IBM's Youngest ever IBM Master Inventors. Chris has extensive experience Architecting and Designing API Connect and WSRR solutions as well including authoring a number of Developer Works.



09:30 - 10:15

Cognitive Software Delivery and Testing
With the drive towards Hybrid Cloud, how we develop and deliver quality products is changing at a rapid pace. Our once slow delivery cycles worked well for on-premise deployments but now we are challenged to deliver in ever shorter cycles to support our services in the cloud while still ensuring quality for both deployment targets. The diversity of what we need to support is ever increasing while the pressure to reduce delivery cycles pushes us to drive ever more efficiency in our delivery pipeline.

The Liberty team have been pioneering the integration of the cloud and analytics to drive what we term Cognitive Software Delivery and Testing. Utilising the power of analytics to provide real-time insights into our product quality and our delivery pipeline, as well as driving greater efficiency in both delivery and cloud infrastructure usage. This session will provide you with an introduction to how we use Cognitive Software Delivery and Testing to build our products, from running over a years worth of testing in a single day, optimising our cloud and build performance and allowing us to respond to the challenges of the new hybrid world.

Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith is the Cognitive Test Architect for the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile, responsible for driving both the quality and efficiency with which it is delivered. Over the last four years, Kevin has been pioneering new ways to drive our quality and test strategy; adopting the cloud at large scale and employing the power of analytics to provide real time insights into both the quality and delivery pipeline. Through these insights the delivery pipeline can be optimised to delivery cost savings, greater understanding of the impact of change and fast feedback to the delivery teams.

10:45 - 11:30

Urbancode and certificate management with Venafi
Venafi Trust Protection Platform provided a key and certificate management facility to help customers issue, manage, revoke and renew certificates for web based servers and systems. UrbanCode Deploy is a deployment automation solution for the deployment of configuration, applications, infrastructure and database updates from development to production environments across virtual, bare metal and cloud hosted systems. In this session you will see a presentation and demonstration of the use of UrbanCode Deploy to automate the certificate request, deployment, validation and renewal processes utilising a new UrbanCode Deploy plugin written specifically to interact with the Venafi Trust Protection Platform.

Mark Roberts

Mark Roberts is a technical consultant in the IBM Hybrid Cloud division focusing on helping customers with deployment and release automation using the UrbanCode products, fast file transfer and collaboration solutions with IBM Aspera and platform as a service development solutions using IBM Bluemix.

11:40 - 12:25

Automating full application environment provisioning with Pure Application and UrbanCode
In this session we will show how with a few clicks you can automatically provision new infrastructure, deploy middleware patterns, deploy an application and run tests against the deployed stack - resulting in a new fully working environment in less than 20 minutes.
We will then walk through how this has been achieved by walking through the configuration of UrbanCode Deploy, Pure Application, Test Virtualization Server and Test Workbench.
Finally we will discuss the benefits that this approach can achieve, and how it can help organisations improve their agility, reduce cycle times and improve their quality.

Steve Arnold

I work for IBM Cloud Software in the UK as a technical consultant, and live in Twickenham, London. I'm a certified scrum master specializing in software development tools, IBM Bluemix, DevOps and helping customers deliver software faster and better.


13:30 - 14:15

Market leading Continuous Testing & SV capability for Websphere
Shift testing to the left and continuously with Virtualization, (Devops approach)

•Verify and validate the technical solution for a business change without waiting for the complete technical solution to be built.

Test integrations

•Most of the risk of business change lies at the integration layer and WebSphere solutions need to be tested below the UI.
•Verify side effects such as database writes or log file updates for greater confidence.

Test performance

•Verify scalability after upgrading or migrating to the WebSphere platform.
•Be confident before you add new business workloads.

Stuart Feasey

DevOps Technical Sales - Automated Integration Testing and Service Virtualization Specialist
Bringing real value to customers through proven, enterprise grade software adoption.


14:25 - 15:10

(empty slot)

15:30 - 16:15

(empty slot)

16:25 - 17:10

Application Performance Management (APM) for a Hybrid World
Application performance management (APM) is the practice of detecting and addressing software application issues, so that end users have a quality experience. As applications and platforms have deepened in complexity, the need for APM solutions has become more crucial. Angus Jamieson will give insight to, as well as a demo, IBM's APM solution.

Angus Jamieson


09:30 - 10:15

Event-Driven Enterprise
Events are everywhere in every industry. The asynchronous nature of events enables us to create applications composed of highly decoupled services, powerful automation of development pipelines and responsive experiences for end-users.

IBM Cloud is building a first-class experience for the Event-Driven Enterprise:
- Event ingestion, retention and distribution at scale
- Streaming analytics and serverless runtimes for real-time processing, analysis and action
- Single source of truth for combined on-prem and cloud-native events

Andrew Schofield

Andrew Schofield is a Senior Technical Staff Member in the Event Services group of IBM Cloud. He has more than 25 years of experience in messaging middleware and the Internet of Things, with particular expertise in the areas of data integrity, transactions, high availability and performance. He works at the Hursley Park laboratory in England.

10:45 - 11:30

(empty slot)

11:40 - 12:25

The evolving IBM cloud reference architecture
In this session I will give an introduction to how IBM is evolving the cloud reference architecture based on it's experiences in the field helping customers with adoption. You don't just wake up one day and decide to 'go on the cloud'. Although cloud is a commodity, each business still needs to consider their objectives and business benefits together with the right workloads to 'move to' the cloud.

Sukhvinder Aujla

Sukhvinder is a cloud architect and helps customers to understand how to take advantage of what cloud has to offer using IBM technologies. He often covers topics such as cloud adoption, devops and integration. He was previously a Software Client Architect working with customers, helping them to deliver business benefits by using the the IBM software portfolio.

13:30 - 14:15

Become a Bluemix architect in 45 mins
In this presentation, we'll whistle through all the essentials of Bluemix Architecture from an experienced Solution Architect's perspective. If you're developing or deploying on Bluemix, you need to know this stuff. We'll provide an overview of what's it's capable of, discussing: Cloud Foundry, OpenWhisk, Containers and Docker, Infrastructure Services, and any of the services on Bluemix, from Databases through to Watson. We'll also discuss the deployment models for Bluemix itself, from Public multi-tenancy all the way through to Local on-premise clouds. This is the fastest Bluemix Architecture education overview you'll ever see!

Andrew Ferrier

14:25 - 15:10

(empty slot)

15:30 - 16:15

Customising the IBM API Connect Developer Portal ? tips and tricks to make it stand out!
Successful organizations see APIs as strategic value in today’s digital economy. It is therefore important to present these precious assets to the world in a way that is organised, concise and looks great!

In this session we will go over the capabilities of the IBM API Connect Developer portal and focus on how it can be customised to have the desired look and feel, user experience and content. We will focus on different actor’s viewpoints and how they expect to discover APIs and utilise them. We will also look at some real-world examples of developer portals and outline how you can make yours just as engaging.

Charlotte Hutchinson

Charlotte is a Technical Consultant working in the IBM professional services team specialising in API Connect. She is currently working with clients assisting them in their journey of embracing the API economy and their shift towards a microservices based architecture. Charlotte has assisted many teams worldwide through running workshops and events in these areas, offering valuable expertise and experience.

Charlotte has recently been awarded the UKI Outthink Foundation award and been shortlisted for Future CIO of the year 2017 at the Woman in IT industry awards and Rising Star of the year 2017 at the Everywoman in technology awards.

Chris Phillips

One of the IBM's Youngest ever IBM Master Inventors. Chris has extensive experience Architecting and Designing API Connect and WSRR solutions as well including authoring a number of Developer Works.


16:25 - 17:10

Blockchain: Fabric Composer
Blockchains have great potential to enormously improve inter-business collaboration. Hyperledger Fabric is a business focussed blockchain that IBM, and many others are investing heavily in. Whilst the potential is great, the barrier to entry for development can be high due to the low-level APIs. and specific blockchain knowledge that is required.

Fabric Composer is an IBM initiated Open Source project to provide a business-centric abstraction to lower this barrier of entry. Even with this lower barrier integration with existing systems of record are essential. In this talk, we'll introduce Fabric Composer and show how integration with systems such as WebSphere Liberty, IIB are facilitated.

Graham Charters

Graham is a Senior Technical Staff Member in the IBM WebSphere Application Server development organization. He is responsible for the WebSphere Liberty Repository, Blockchain integration, and WebSphere OSGi Applications programming model, and is the IBM technical lead in the OSGi Alliance Enterprise Expert Group.

Matthew White

Currently, I'm one of the IBM Blockchain Solutions Architects, working on architecting a new generation of solutions building on top of the IBM BlockChain/HyperLedger fabric

Previously to that, I was the IBM MQ JMS and Client Connectivity Architect - my team's aim was to work to ensure that the IBM MQ product is fully integrated into the IBM WebSphere Platform.

Experience in Java and Java EE Development, code base servicing and customer relationships. I've presented at a number of customer events, including JavaOne and the WebSphere User Group, and the WebSphere Technical Conference.

Now adding to that Node.js, JavaScript, git, Hyperledger and Blockchain experience.

Open Discussion

09:30 - 10:15

(empty slot)

10:45 - 11:30

How can I make WAS Cheaper? Licensing Discussion
Drop in session for licensing discussions

Brian O'Shea


11:40 - 12:25

(empty slot)

13:30 - 14:15

Integration / Messaging Open Discussion



14:25 - 15:10

DevOps Open Discussion

Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith is the Cognitive Test Architect for the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile, responsible for driving both the quality and efficiency with which it is delivered. Over the last four years, Kevin has been pioneering new ways to drive our quality and test strategy; adopting the cloud at large scale and employing the power of analytics to provide real time insights into both the quality and delivery pipeline. Through these insights the delivery pipeline can be optimised to delivery cost savings, greater understanding of the impact of change and fast feedback to the delivery teams.

Stuart Feasey

DevOps Technical Sales - Automated Integration Testing and Service Virtualization Specialist
Bringing real value to customers through proven, enterprise grade software adoption.


15:30 - 16:15

(empty slot)

16:25 - 17:10

WAS Migration Open Discussion
Come along and ask the experts any question you like about WAS Migrations!

Anita Rass Wan

Anita Rass Wan is a Senior Worldwide Product Manager on the WebSphere Application Server Platform team. She is responsible for helping improve the developer experience building and managing applications for the WebSphere Application platform family. Anita has held various senior positions in development, release management and product management. She has published various papers, and has disclosures and a patent in application development and performance tools.

Kevin Postreich

Kevin is the IBM World Wide technical sales lead for WebSphere Application Server, supporting customer deployments of WebSphere Application Server and Liberty, WebSphere eXtreme Scale and WAS on Cloud solutions. His role and responsibility also includes development and delivery of technical accelerators for IBM technical sales organizations, customers, and business partners around the world. He routinely leads customer workshops and delivers technical enablement designed to accelerate the experience, knowledge, and adoption of IBM Hybrid Cloud and Systems Middleware solutions. Kevin is a regular speaker at IBM events such as WebSphere User Groups, Software Technical Academies, and InterConnect. He has experience with WebSphere in context of IBM Bluemix, DevOps, UrbanCode Deploy, Docker, micro services, APIs, WebSphere Connect, IBM PureApplication System, eXtreme Scale and more.


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By Underground

Tube maps are available from most underground stations. Waterloo is on the following underground lines: Northern, Bakerloo, Jubilee and Waterloo and City. The Northern line has two branches, so make sure the train you board is going to Waterloo. The Waterloo and City line links Waterloo to Bank station on the Central line. Travel information for London Underground is available on 020 7222 1234.

On Foot

Walking from the stations is straightforward, though you may prefer to take a taxi. IBM's South Bank building is located between the Royal National Theatre and the London Weekend Television Studios. From Waterloo, follow the signs from the station for the South Bank. Get to road level, York Road, and head north towards the rail bridge, bear left under the bridge, into Concert Hall Approach, heading for the Royal Festival Hall. Turn right onto Belvedere Road (which becomes Upper Ground as you walk under the bridge) past the Royal National Theatre, and IBM is on your left.

From Waterloo East walk up Cornwall Road and IBM is opposite you. From Blackfriars, walk over Blackfriars Bridge, turn first right into Upper Ground and IBM is just past LWT Studios.

By Taxi

London cabs are abundant; when their yellow taxi sign is lit they are available for hire. You can also hire taxis by phone on 020 7286 0286 or 020 7272 0272.

By Air

From Heathrow airport: travel to Waterloo station by London Underground. From Gatwick airport travel to Waterloo by train via Victoria or Clapham Junction stations.

By Road

South Bank is less than half a mile from Waterloo station. From the main roundabout to the north of the station, take the Stamford Street exit and then first left into Cornwall Road. The IBM building faces you at the end of Cornwall Road.


There are public car parks close to South Bank, but they can be expensive. Meter parking is also available in the streets nearby. Parking for disabled drivers can be arranged by calling 020 7261 0618

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Technology Solutions - formerly a division of Avnet, now part of Tech Data.